February 14, 2009

Emersyn says..."Happy Valentine's Day"

On Friday, Emersyn woke up and had 2 deliveries. My brother Levi sent her a rose and a bear (see picture below). It was so great for a 21 year old college student to send flowers to his niece! I was so touched by that. Then the doorbell rang again. She got a yellow rose from her grandpa Holmes. My dad has sent me a flower every year on valentine's day since I was about 6 weeks old. I've never gone a valentine's day without having flowers from my dad! Now Emersyn gets to be apart of that very special tradition. She also got a package with toys and food from my parents. She was really excited! That night we celebrated Kathy's birthday and Valentine's day with Jason't family. She got a dog, a swimsuit, bows and pj's. All of that and it was Friday. On Valentine's day she gave mommy and daddy cards. She delivered them after she chewed on them a little. She got gifts from mommy and daddy and went out to eat with mom and dad that night. The day was definitely felt with LOVE! We also got her pictures back from JC Penny. Below are the pictures from there. Hope you had a great Valentine's Day.

Here is the bear from my brother and toy and flower from my parents.

Oliver telling Emersyn "Happy Valentine's Day" He is a little mad at my parents for not sending him anything.

Friday morning with the bear Levi sent.

Opening her stuff at Jason's parent's house sporting a bow. She does have enough hair to clip them in, Jason hates the way it looks though.


Practicing her Ballerina Moves!

Note the drool on her face. She is always drooling with teeth coming in.

They were behind schedule and she had to wait almost an hour. She was not as happy an hour after we got there.

She wanted to play with the heart and not look at the camera.

These were taken on her 6 month birthday.



She was looking at me and wouldn't look at the camera. It came out cute though.

Jason & I call this her "Stranger Danger" face.


She gets mad on her stomach. She puts her butt in the air and her head down. Or her head in the air and her butt down. We keep telling her she needs to work them together... she'll get the hang of it, or she might just walk and not crawl.

February 7, 2009

6 Month Birthday

Our little girl is getting bigger by the day! We spent last weekend celebrating her half birthday. My parents arrived Thursday night to spend the weekend with Emersyn. I worked full days on Thursday & Friday. Great-Grandma Charlotte Tryon watched her on Thursday. My parents stayed with her on Friday and took her shopping all day. She came home with many toys and gymboree clothes for the spring. My parents have a problem buying her things, and she can't even talk yet! On Saturday she got her Valentine's/6 mon birthday pictures taken. She did very well. She is going through a, what Jason & I call "Stranger Danger" phase. She choose to give the photographer dirty looks in some of the pictures. They turned out really cute and I will post them as soon as I get them. She also got a little cranky because she has her two front bottom teeth coming in. They have really messed with her sleep. Instead of her usual go to bed at 10pm and wake at 9am, she is now going to bed around 7pm and waking at 6am. We feel like we went from a big girl to a new born now with her sleeping schedule. We hope she gets back on track. I guess you could say we've been spoiled by her. She got her shots and is almost 18 lbs and 28 in long. She is a big girl!!! We ended the day by giving her a twinkie and letting her play with it more than she actually ate it. We all sang Happy Birthday, which she enjoyed. It was so great to have such a joyous occasion in our home. We had many birthday's come and go with no celebration....thank you God!! Below are a few pictures of her birthday!
Her first shopping trip in the "big girl" seat. She had toys and enjoyed being able to sit up and shop.
"Smile for Mommy"
Singing Happy Birthday....
Is this song over yet?? I REALLY want to eat this.

Dig in!
Good thing I have some teeth!
Willie (on the left) and Oliver helped Emersyn "clean up"
Making a BIG mess.
Is that good Emersyn?

YUM....Twinkie & slobber!!