December 28, 2009

"God's Dog"

When I met Willie, I was a Junior in High School. I volunteered at our local animal shelter and spent every spare moment there walking the dogs and caring for them. I would go several times a week, until I met Willie. One Saturday morning, my dad called me into the back room to see this "basset hound". There he was. A big black head head on this long skinny body. He looked as though he had every breed of dog in him. At first glance, he made the old saying "a face only a mother could love" seem somewhat true. He was scared and he wouldn't eat. I crawled into his cage and fed him kernels of dog food, one at a time, from my hand. After a minutes with him, he turned on his charm and had my heart in those big brown eyes.
I went there everyday after Cheerleading practice to see him. I named him Buddy. I gave little attention to the other dogs and spent most of my time walking Buddy and sitting in his cage feeding him out of my hand. Every night I cried a little when I left and prayed God that no one would take him....he was MY DOG!! I begged my mom and pleaded good behavior and straight A's if she would let me bring Buddy home. On the Tuesday, the day before he was going to be put down, she finally agreed to look at him. We drove to the shelter and there he was standing outside with the other dogs. I got out of the car, knelt down and yelled "BUDDY". The woman walking him dropped his leash and he ran towards me. He had won my heart, but my mom was a different story. She looked at me and said, "that's not a basset hound". (I knew that my mom loved Bassets and had used this to get her there to look at Buddy). We didn't know his past, or even how old he really was, all we knew is that he was something special and we loved him. For years to come, people would stop us and ask what kind of dog he was. We would simply respond, "He's God's Dog....only God knows what he is."
He arrived at our house and struggled to learn the rules. He ate the carpet, the kitchen table, chairs, pop cans, Christmas ornaments, and much more. He was part goat. He quickly learned the rules and became the best dog that we have ever had. We changed his name to Willie (for Willie the Wildcat). He was the type of dog that would give his dog food to another dog, because he didn't want to fight. Willie never growled or fought with anyone. He was unselfish and gave everything he had. He knew when you had a bad day and was there for you. He would claw your hand or leg to let you know that he was there (or that he wanted petted). He wad a kind and gentle sole that cared for everyone. He had the biggest heart and loved everyone. He was happiest when we were all together as a family. He helped us through many rough times. He nursed Murrie when Murrie lost both of his eyes. He guided him around the house and looked over him. Emersyn adored him and even though, she couldn't say his name, she lit up around him, as did the rest of us. We had a special bond and til the day he passed, all I had to do was yell "BUDDY" and he got excited.
When we were home for Christmas, he became ill. After some X rays yesterday, we found out that he had cancer and his liver was enlarged. I was so thankful to have spent Christmas with him. I got to talk to him yesterday at the vet and say goodbye to him. We are better people because of Willie. He taught us compassion and unconditional love. His loss leaves us with heavy hearts. Willie now you truly are God's Dog. I can't wait to see you again someday.... I love you BUDDY.

Here are some of the pictures that I have of him. His younger year pictures were a time before digital cameras, and my scanner is not cooperating.

After going to the vet, we were hopeful. I had been crying and wanted a picture with him. Who knew this would be the last time I would hug him and tell him that I loved him?

Christmas Dinner

Emersyn loved him! She will forever hear stories of Willie.

In his younger years.

Willie helping my mom after Murrie lost his eyes. He had a sense for these things. This is like loosing a brother for me and a child for my parents.

Protecting Emersyn.


Willie was a good sport!

All we had to do was ask him nicely to wear the hat. He would do anything you asked him nicely.

November 23, 2009

Santa is Watching...

That's right..Santa is watching. 'Tis the season of family, sharing, love and blessings. Our favorite time of year. We took our Christmas pictures this weekend. JCPenny does a WONDERFUL job. We have officially made it to the age of NOT wanting to get our pictures taken. God Bless, Billye, our photographer that we always request. She deserves an extra present under her tree after Emersyn decided to throw a tantrum in the studio.
It all started with Nana and Papa coming to stay with Emersyn while Mommy, Daddy, Levi and Emily all went to the KSU vs NU football game. Let's just say that she got spoiled and was very tired. We woke her up for pictures. Have you ever heard the expression, "don't wake a sleeping baby"? If we had videoed her behavior you would see why you DON'T wake a sleeping baby.
Billye showed her the balls on the Christmas tree and tried to take a nice precious picture of her holding a ball. Emersyn began taking them off the tree and rapid fire threw them at her face. (Thank God she had that camera to block the ornaments) Then she thought she would give her a present to hold. That lasted two seconds before the tops were ripped off of them. Emersyn would NOT wear a bow in her hair. It's all gnarly in the pictures of her by herself. Let's just say that it was not a good day for pictures for a cranky 15 month old.

......Santa called our house to talk to Emersyn about her behavior at the studio and reminded her that he is "watching" her! :)

1st picture taken. Pretty calm at this point.

She gave her Rudolph to play with. Emersyn called it a "puppy" and wanted to make it sing.

Ripping off ornaments off the tree. Notice that the present on the ground is still in one piece.

This is the face of her releasing the ball and watching it roll across the ground.

Refusing to smile.

Notice the ball in the background by the curtains....That was Emersyn. Ha Ha!!
After this picture was taken, she threw the Christmas tree on the ground, ripped down the curtains, threw Rudolph in the fire and walked out. (Not really. Just kidding. But as parents, we honestly felt that was the next step)

See the green ball in the upper corner of the picture. This is her chucking the ornament. The photographer got her "in action". God Bless her she needs a raise.

She had to sit on her hands.....HAHAHAHAHAHA!

How sweet.

Success!! Everyone is smiling and Emersyn has a bow in her hair.

awww finally a good one.


October 31, 2009

It's just "HI"...

Emersyn's 14 month picture!

Happy Halloween!!

For those of you who know us, know that Oliver and Emersyn are a pair, so their costumes always go together. Last year they were an angel and a devil. This year Emersyn was a flower and Oliver was a Bee. He is always buzzing around her feet, so we felt this was appropriate. This year Mommy and Nana took Emersyn trick or treating around the block. She made it to a total of 3 houses, before she decided that she was done with it. She found more pleasure in walking up and down people's steps than she did in getting candy (this made me question if she is related to me at all?? Exercise over candy......are you sure we are blood relatives??). When we approached a house, she would not say "trick or treat" she would only say "HI" to our neighbors. She said "hi" to every trick or treater that she encountered that would listen to her. Nana spent the evening chasing her up and down the front steps while mommy and daddy handed out candy. (daddy mostly watched the game).
Jason put dry ice in the pond out front and so we had a lot of children, big and small, linger at our home (and when I say "big" I mean the adult men that came to our house with their "small" children). We lit up the pond and had our usual spider webs and scary music on. It was quite a scene. Emersyn walked around the pond and made noises to the scary sounds. It was quite a night and she made every minute count. What a blessed night it was!

Our little Flower and Bee.

Playing on the steps.

I tried really hard to get a good picture of the decorations, but my camera wouldn't work, you get the idea of the pond. It really was cool with the light in it and around it.

This was her going around the block. She could care less.

A whole body shot.

Halloween morning. It was beautiful outside.

She wanted nothing to do with the pumpkin "guts". She would not touch it!

After the Colorado game, Uncle Levi and Aunt Emily Stayed the weekend. I promise that we really do put clothes on our child. The only time I can get a picture of her sitting still is while she's eating or right after.

Tailgating with her cousin Ava before the Colorado game.

A current Chi Omega and a future Chi Omega!!

Where did my hands go?

October 19, 2009

Another Mile Long Post

I realize that if I was better about keeping up on this blog that my posts wouldn't be a mile long each time. Here are some pictures of the pumpkin patch, birthday parties, KSU football games and visits with friends and family.
I've created a monster!! She has "graduated from her play high heels to my real ones". These shoes are tall and heavy, yet she can get around in them quite well.

Playing in mommy's shoes.

Nana & Messy Hair!

Nana & Papa fighting over who gets to hold her!

Sprinting around the pumpkin patch. The days of sitting to take a nice picture are gone! I know the coat doesn't match, but it was frigid outside and we wanted to go with Nana & Papa, so this was the weekend; cold weather or not!

Of course she refused to stand, so we'll just imagine her standing so that we can see how tall she is. I would have fought her on this if it wasn't so cold outside.

Checking out which pumpkins she wanted.

Jason was in the process of swinging her around in this picture. Yes we are dressed for the Arctic!

Poor child couldn't move.

Always in heels & no pants. Jason is scared that this fad might continue into her adult life...She's a toddler it's okay daddy.

At Ava's 5yr old pool birthday party. It was really hot in there (hence the red face).

Walking in the water!

I had to throw this picture in here! It was taken Oct 10, 08 at Ava's 4th birthday. Emersyn was 2 months old.

I didn't even get all of her in the shot. She is huge compared to the previous shot. Crazy how much she grew in just one year! (taken Oct 9, 09)

Visiting the Stankers. Emersyn and her "aunt" Ashley!

I bought these gloves before she was born and was so excited that she could wear them to games now! She did not know what to think of them.

Uncle Levi and Emersyn after a home game.

Playing with daddy during the game. She yells like the crowd does on defense. The only problem is that she does it on offense too. We try to tell her to be quite on offense, but she doesn't listen. Good thing the people that we sit by are all very nice and laugh at her. She claps and yells during the games. I think I might have my future cheerleader. :)

I had to throw a picture in here of my parents new addition. This is Zoey. She is the newest member of the Holmes family. For those of you who know my parents, she has not gained the "Holmes 50"....yet. Give it a couple of years.