That's right..Santa is watching. 'Tis the season of family, sharing, love and blessings. Our favorite time of year. We took our Christmas pictures this weekend. JCPenny does a WONDERFUL job. We have officially made it to the age of NOT wanting to get our pictures taken. God Bless, Billye, our photographer that we always request. She deserves an extra present under her tree after Emersyn decided to throw a tantrum in the studio.
It all started with Nana and Papa coming to stay with Emersyn while Mommy, Daddy, Levi and Emily all went to the KSU vs NU football game. Let's just say that she got spoiled and was very tired. We woke her up for pictures. Have you ever heard the expression, "don't wake a sleeping baby"? If we had videoed her behavior you would see why you DON'T wake a sleeping baby.
Billye showed her the balls on the Christmas tree and tried to take a nice precious picture of her holding a ball. Emersyn began taking them off the tree and rapid fire threw them at her face. (Thank God she had that camera to block the ornaments) Then she thought she would give her a present to hold. That lasted two seconds before the tops were ripped off of them. Emersyn would NOT wear a bow in her hair. It's all gnarly in the pictures of her by herself. Let's just say that it was not a good day for pictures for a cranky 15 month old.
......Santa called our house to talk to Emersyn about her behavior at the studio and reminded her that he is "watching" her! :)
1st picture taken. Pretty calm at this point.
She gave her Rudolph to play with. Emersyn called it a "puppy" and wanted to make it sing.
Ripping off ornaments off the tree. Notice that the present on the ground is still in one piece.
This is the face of her releasing the ball and watching it roll across the ground.
Refusing to smile.
Notice the ball in the background by the curtains....That was Emersyn. Ha Ha!!
After this picture was taken, she threw the Christmas tree on the ground, ripped down the curtains, threw Rudolph in the fire and walked out. (Not really. Just kidding. But as parents, we honestly felt that was the next step)
See the green ball in the upper corner of the picture. This is her chucking the ornament. The photographer got her "in action". God Bless her she needs a raise.
She had to sit on her hands.....HAHAHAHAHAHA!
How sweet.
Success!! Everyone is smiling and Emersyn has a bow in her hair.
awww finally a good one.
It all started with Nana and Papa coming to stay with Emersyn while Mommy, Daddy, Levi and Emily all went to the KSU vs NU football game. Let's just say that she got spoiled and was very tired. We woke her up for pictures. Have you ever heard the expression, "don't wake a sleeping baby"? If we had videoed her behavior you would see why you DON'T wake a sleeping baby.
Billye showed her the balls on the Christmas tree and tried to take a nice precious picture of her holding a ball. Emersyn began taking them off the tree and rapid fire threw them at her face. (Thank God she had that camera to block the ornaments) Then she thought she would give her a present to hold. That lasted two seconds before the tops were ripped off of them. Emersyn would NOT wear a bow in her hair. It's all gnarly in the pictures of her by herself. Let's just say that it was not a good day for pictures for a cranky 15 month old.
......Santa called our house to talk to Emersyn about her behavior at the studio and reminded her that he is "watching" her! :)

After this picture was taken, she threw the Christmas tree on the ground, ripped down the curtains, threw Rudolph in the fire and walked out. (Not really. Just kidding. But as parents, we honestly felt that was the next step)

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