Emersyn's face says it all.....WHEWWW!! Okay, so that's not exactly what she was saying, but it's probably how she felt. The picture above is actually a picture of her making a Choo Choo sound like the train she was riding. Our busy week started off Saturday morning. Emersyn & I were having breakfast with the windows open. It was a beautiful morning. I heard what sounded like a hot air balloon overhead. Much to our surprise, a hot air balloon was landing in the cul-de-sac next to us. We ran outside, (looking spectacular in our pj's) to see the hot air balloon. Emersyn watched for a minute, but was more interested in getting down and walking in the grass barefoot. As we were walking back to the house, my Chi Omega daughter was in the neighborhood and saw us outside. She just moved to Topeka, and it was sheer coincidence that she knows someone in my neighborhood. I look forward to spending time with her and having play dates with her 2yr old and baby due in Dec. We then went to the mall with Rachel and her new baby Lucy. We walked and shopped and Uncle Levi & Emily met us there. Nana had the week off so she came to visit Emersyn. On Sunday, Nana, Emersyn & mommy went to KC to shop. Emersyn rode the carousel in Oak Park Mall for the first time. She LOVED it!! She got new shoes and insisted on wearing them out of the store. She didn't care that the shoes were brown and the dress she was wearing was black. Ohh well, I pick and choose my battles. Nana went overboard with clothes, toys, shoes and Emersyn's new obsession....dress up shoes! On Monday, we took Emersyn to get her ears pierced. She was such a big girl and did not cry at all. She got ice cream and shoes afterwards, so she was not throwing a fit! We played dress up and laughed at her ability to roll around on the ground and bend over with her high heels staying on her feet. She drug out her dress up clothes and wanted ALL of the jewelry, hair items, bracelets, necklaces, etc... on at the same time! Nana left on Wednesday and we were sad to see her go. On Thursday, we met Rachel and Lucy at the library for Baby Bookworms. Emersyn was very shy and quiet at first and listened to the books very well. Then she warmed up quickly and was all over the place. On Saturday Mommy, Daddy and Emersyn went to the park and played on the toys. Emersyn is very independent and doesn't want help going down the slide or climbing up toys. It scares mommy to death!! She rode the carousel in the park and the train as well. She was very serious on the train and really took it all in. She did make train noises as we rode along and the conductor blew the whistle. Mommy also gave her a mini-pedicure. She got her nails painted for the first time. She then thought she needed to give mommy a pedicure and play in the water. She also has two new molars in....only one more to go. I can't wait for these to come in, because boy oh boy is she cranky!!! A week with family, friends and fun. Sorry for the long post, I'll post some pictures after the game on Saturday, from her tailgating!

1 comment:
Love the pictures! Emersyn is adorable! :)
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