Okay...I KNOW....I KNOW!! I've gotten in a lot of trouble from many for not updating my blog. I have set out many times to update it, and I scroll through all of the pictures we have of her and I have let so much time pass I don't know where to begin. So I have decided to summarize all of the wonderful things that have gone on since February. In March Emersyn spent the entire week of Spring Break in Garden City with Grandma and Grandpa. It was her first time away from Mommy & Daddy. It was harder on us than it was on her. She did many things while she was there! Let's just say she got away with more there than she does at her house! But I guess that's what Grandparents are for. She has been teething again. The top teeth have been playing a game with her that she does not appreciate. They come in and go back up. Poor Girl! She crawls and pulls up on EVERYTHING!! We had put off "baby proofing" the house until later. We were stupid!! Our house is now Fort Knox. I find myself still trying to whip open a cabinet to have it slam shut to my surprise. OHHH HOW LIFE HAS CHANGED!!! She is into everything. She likes to walk in a walker and go into the pantry and pull cans of food down. She has adopted a can of tuna! YES that's right, her favorite toy is a can of tuna (no label on it, of course). Glad we buy all of those toys, right?!?! She has developed quite the personality. We say that she is going to be the class clown someday. She will do anything for a laugh. She enjoys playing outside and going for walks in her wagon. She grew out of her car seat last month and had to graduate to a "big girl" one. She loves having more room. I cried as I put it away for a future brother or sister someday. She is growing so fast. It saddens me when we buy clothes and I have to buy 18-24 month clothes for my almost 9 month old. The doctor says she'll "plateau" at some point. I hope so or she's going to be carrying me when she's three. She has been saying "mama" & "dada" since March. She said "mama" first and I've never seen Jason so devastated. For Easter my parents came into town and my mom helped Emersyn dye Easter Eggs. She got a quick bath and luckily all of the dye came right off. I thought she might permanently be blue. She really enjoyed putting all of the eggs in her mouth. She's not stupid, she knows they are edible. Speaking of food. She is eating cheerios, and other little things that can dissolve easily. There's not much that she doesn't like, unless it's green! Well being as brief as I can be, that's about it in a nutshell. Below are some pictures of Easter, her wagon and her car seat. I promise not to let time pass so quickly next time. We have just been so blessed enjoying our time with our little girl!
She had been sick and had a constant runny nose.

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