August 28, 2010

Our Anniversay Weekend

We celbrated our 6 year anniversary on August 28th by having dinner and going to the casinos. The week before our anniversary we went back to Vegas. We both really enjoy Vegas. We never make a lot of money but enjoy all of the sight seeing and there is never any rush to see everything because the city never sleeps. I still can't believe we have been married 6 years. Below are some pictures from our trip and some of Emersyn on our anniversary weekend riding the train at the park.

August 25, 2010

Oliver is 7

As tradition, on Oliver's birthday, we took him to Petsmart. He picked out his usual toy. We love you Ollie. Happy Birthday Buddy!!

August 7, 2010

Come One, Come All..To Emersyn's 2nd Birthday

Emersyn is 2 years old. WOW how time flies. Here are some pictures from her Circus themed party. We sent out circus invitations with a special ticket. The kids brought back the special ticket to redeem a special prize. There were games, popcorn, peanuts, cake, hotdogs, face painting, a bouncy house and much more! We were blessed to have many family and friends in attendance. Emersyn really enjoyed her day.

Opening Gifts.

Her new tricycle from mommy & daddy.

The card Nana & Papa bought her sang songs. She was content with listening to this and not opening any of her presents.

"Aunt Ashley" made it from KC for the party. She is mommy's best friend and sorority sister from college.

Rachel & Lucy. Lucy just turned one a couple of weeks prior to this. Her and Emersyn are good friends.

The bouncy house. (Taken from inside the face painting tent)

I made the tent out of a wooden box, felt & material. I also made the pendants with felt, string and popsicle sticks. Sometimes, you can't find exactly what you are looking for and you have to improvise.

Opening gifts from Family & Friends.

Grandma Charlotte with the kids in the bouncy house. She watches Emersyn while mommy is at work sometimes. She is a god sport and keeps up with Emersyn. She is very active.....probably more active than me at 28yrs.

The pinata. Believe it or not, Jason put up the streamers on his own. Very Impressive. (should I be worried?)

The kids playing the plinko game that Jason made for my work one day. They truly enjoyed running around playing the games and getting tickets to buy candy and prizes.

Another game.

Setting up some of the games.

Here was the prize table. There were different categories for different amounts of tickets.

Popcorn/Prize Table

Refreshments anyone?


My Circus Table

I do have to admit, these are my personal favorite cupcakes in cones. They may have been more for me to eat, than the guests.

The Hotdog Cooker

Gift bags with thank you ticket tags and popcorn balls for the kids to take home.